Welcome (and disclaimer)

This site is intended as a resource to allow paediatricians to access and share guidelines across institutions for guideline development and research purposes. All clinicians are responsible for their use of these resources and should follow the procedures and protocols of their own institution.

We have brought together clinical guidelines for paediatrics from across London. We hope you find them useful and appreciate the work that has gone into them. We hope this project will help reduce the duplication of effort that currently occurs in guideline development and helps us to ensure we deliver high quality evidence based care for our patients.

To look for guidelines use the ‘categories’ list on the right to filter guidelines by system, you can also search with the search box, or via the Tags list on the right hand side of the screen. (on a tablet or mobile, these options may be at the bottom rather than right of the page)

You can download a more detailed guide on using the site by clicking here